good analysis, but as always i need to warn of goodharting. are we sure that sunlikeness is the metric we're managing? i've heard reports that yellower light is good in the morning and evening for circadian, blue all day to mimic the sky, near-infared for mitochondrial stimulation, and that we rely on uvb and uvc on the skin to track the seasons. these can be directed at different body parts and at different times of the day.

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Yeah I talk about the color temp transition in https://metrep.substack.com/p/advanced-sun-reproduction . I wrote this article more to give people the fundamentals to understand how to even reach the goal of sun reproduction in the first place and evaluate a lighting system. Most people were not demonstrating any understanding how it works. It's not really making a judgement about if it is useful or not.

There isn't much out there yet that would simulate the UV and IR behavior of sunlight, but even having it in addition to an accurate visible light lamp puts you miles ahead. If someone wanted to get really accurate they would buy a spectrometer, get a few curves of the sun at various points of the day and then calibrate their IR + UV + normal lamp combo to match those levels they see in the sun and have it vary their intensities & color temp on a schedule.

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