Haha another early Asprey follower. Think I heard about him at a similar time.

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> Girlfriend gets into baking

> My college girlfriend at the time got into baking as a hobby, and as a result I got to the heaviest I’ve ever been at 230lbs with all the delicious desserts she made. We broke up and I stabilized back to my pre-baking weight fairly quickly without much effort. The baking wasn’t the reason why I broke up with her.

Ooh, how exciting!

Assuming you weren't buggering things up with willpower, I don't think that should happen, as long as she's making things out of flour, sugar, and butter. In fact, since the baked goods are probably displacing protein from the diet, I'd imagine that someone who eats a lot of e.g. bread and cakes should lose weight.

So I notice that I am confused, and I'm driven to ask: What sort of fats did she use in her cooking?

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My daughter is getting into baking. The baked goods aren't displacing anything from my diet. I'm just eating more baked goods on top of whatever else I'm eating that day. That's probably how it went for the author. In fact I would assume that's pretty much how it goes for everyone.

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Yeah pretty much what matt said, I ate the yummy fresh baked pies and such on top of my normal food. I wasn’t really trying to lose weight during this period since it was my last semester of college too. This was also in 2010 and I wasn’t involved in the baking at all so I’m not sure how she made them.

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replied to Matt

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If that's true, and you're eating, say, a 100g scone extra every day on top of what you're normally eating, and your energy expenditure stays the same, then you should gain 20kg over the course of the year. I very much doubt that you will. Or that the author did.

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What are you doubting exactly? I'm a bit confused, could you add more detail. Overeating rich fat carb combo desserts is pretty well known IMO, complete with jokes about second stomachs.

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I am doubting that it is possible to eat an extra scone a day without something else changing to compensate. If you could do it you'd gain 20kg/year.

Either your appetite drops so that you don't eat as much other food, or you start making so much extra heat you're walking around with your shirt off in mid-winter, or you store the extra as extra weight, or you start excreting the extra undigested.

400kcal is enough energy to boil four litres of iced water.

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Yes I gained weight at about that clip. It was after my 3 months in asia where I lost a bunch of weight and was only for about 4 to 5-ish months when she picked up the baking hobby.

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Wow seriously you gained 10kg in half a year? If that's normal then any woman who takes up baking should find herself rapidly surrounded by space-hopper people. Which very noticeably never used to happen!

Hell, I used to share a house with a girl who loved baking so much she fed my cricket team with her cast-offs. And it was all delicious. None of the three people in that houseshare changed weight in any obvious way.

I start to see why nobody believes in homeostatic control of weight any more....

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